Thursday, April 30, 2015

Week #3

Through the lapse of the day I plan on start working in the development of building the actual wind chime!!!

1. Since Im going to use different tubes from the ones we had at the classroom, the measurements are different, so I'll have to remeasure the tubes and find out how long they have to be according to the note.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Week #3

Research about the length of the tubes or pipes depending on the chord.
OD = outside diameter
ID = inside diameter

- Western wind chime

Note          Length      
  C        13 3/8 inches
  D        12 5/8 inches
  E         11 7/8 inches
 F#        11 1/4 inches
 G#        10 5/8 inches
 A#           10 inches

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Week #2

Today we look for some some western and eastern chords, so we can start figuring out which notes we want in our wind chimes.

Did I learned something?
Maybe... I don't really know much about music chords so basically this is all new for me, which is a little bit confusing, but I kind of know what they are talking about (kind of, not much) which I'll have to research more about. 

This link talks about the creation of musical scale form mathematic point of view. It also talks about Eastern and Western music.

This are some other links

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Week #1 Failures!

During week 1 we where suppose to find the sound frequency from the tubes of the wind chime. For this we needed a microphone that could measure the frequency and show it to us in the computer... NONE of the microphones work!, so we decided to change the microphone for a different one, this one did show us something in the computer but instead of measuring the frequency, it measured something related to the air??, which didn't help us at all.

Later we download and phone app that did actually measure frequency in a weird way, we didn't understand at all what it was telling us, but we knew that wasn't telling us what we wanted to know. So we decided to keep looking for others app's. Later that day we decided to go and ask Mr. Vanden Berg if he had something to measure the sound frequency, he did actually show us an app that could to many things and one of them was measuring sound frequency. We downloaded the app, we where so excited we finally found something that did work, but then... if we wanted to measure the frequency we need to upgraded the app and pay $4... we end up paying the $4 (well actually Ellen did), and finally we start working in the our project. 


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Week #2

Today we measured the length and the frequency of the wooden bars from a Marimba, to see what the difference is  between the length and the sound. 

 Middle - wooden bars
Note Frequency Length
B 497 12 2/8 inches

C 524 11 15/16 inches

D 590 11 ½ inches

E 658 11 ¼ inches

F 704 10 ⅞ inches

Small - wooden bars

Note Frequency Length
F 1405 8 ½ inches
F# 1485 8 ⅜ inches
G 1577 8 2/8 inches
A flat 1673 8 1/16 inches

Large - wooden bars
Note Frequency Length
C 128 17 2/8 inches
C# 139 17 inches
D 148 15 13/16 inches
E flat 157 16 ½ inches

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week #1

Learn to use the computer to measure the fundamental frequencies of tuning forks.
we tried to use the microphones but they didn't seen to work so instead we used an iPhone app that could measure the sound frequency.
 Experiment with a sample chime to find the fundamental frequency of a chime. 
Note Frequency Sample chime
F# 733.1 (an E on the chime, but we think she cut it wrong)
E    645 (D on the chime)
D    575 (C on the chime)
B    963 (A on the chime)
C    1038 (unlabeled)

Experiment with a sample chime to find out how the quality of its sound depends on where you hold it.
we have to hold it the tubes with some rope, so the tube is hanging, if hold it with your hand the tube would not the produce the same sound as if it was hanging. 

Experiment with a sample chime to find out how the quality of its sound depends on where you strike it.
we found out the quality sound is better when you strike the tubes in the middle.

Experiment to find how the fundamental frequency of your chime depends on its length.
knowing how long they are could  changed frequency of the sound and also depending on if all the tubes are at the same level and if they all are strike in the same spot.