Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Week #2

Today we measured the length and the frequency of the wooden bars from a Marimba, to see what the difference is  between the length and the sound. 

 Middle - wooden bars
Note Frequency Length
B 497 12 2/8 inches

C 524 11 15/16 inches

D 590 11 ½ inches

E 658 11 ¼ inches

F 704 10 ⅞ inches

Small - wooden bars

Note Frequency Length
F 1405 8 ½ inches
F# 1485 8 ⅜ inches
G 1577 8 2/8 inches
A flat 1673 8 1/16 inches

Large - wooden bars
Note Frequency Length
C 128 17 2/8 inches
C# 139 17 inches
D 148 15 13/16 inches
E flat 157 16 ½ inches

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